Notes on our first meeting

About a dozen people joined us in Minneapolis on February 4. We had a spirited conversation — what does it mean to have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people? — discovered new allies, and took hope in our engagement. We were a diverse lot: people with lots of experience in politics; others with none. People with lots of experience with civil society; others with none.

We’ll keep our conversation going; conversations like this help give us the courage to speak out and act. But we’re also working on sharing information about concrete things that people can do to help keep the flame of democracy lit. Soon, on this site, you’ll be able to find a searchable directory of resources, actions, and organizations that can help — and if you register, you’ll be able to contribute to that list. We’ll have an online forum to keep our conversations going, to share information about steps to take and to give people a space that isn’t run by people whose only interest is monetizing our conversations.

If you’re interested in helping this effort, get in touch — you can fill out a contact form or simply send an email to [email protected]. We’ll get back to you quickly.


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